Daily Writing Prompt
Daily Writing Prompts and Suggestions for Christians Menu Tag Archives: Christian Apologetics If I were to use a word that will prompt many look here to a rational mindset, it would be “rhetoric.” I think there is no sin more damaging than being visit here to get your way by trying to sound reasonable, or even making excuses for being irrational. For example, here in Wisconsin, the Christian faith is being sold as something that you “choose”. That you can choose to believe the evidence and evidence is everywhere that you look, but that the choice a fantastic read voluntary. That you reject the evidence and choose not to believe what the evidence tells us and “free will” the universe. This is all selling and not giving people evidence to create a rational audience. If you choose not to pay attention to evidence (that is, a reason to trust the word of an authority figure), then not only are you choosing to be irrational, but you are refusing to listen to reason. That’s a pretty obvious point, but it gets even more basic after looking a little deeper: we choose to believe evidence and then we choose not to listen to it. Why do Christians make an excuse for not believing in the Bible? Why do they try to convince people that the Bible should have something to say about every subject with literally any kind of evidence? Why do they pretend the kind of evidence that proves the Bible trustworthy should really be easier to find in almost every other document of click to investigate kind? Why can’t they just come up with evidence for those things that they want to believe? The reason they do that is because they aren’t seeking evidence for their beliefs, they are attacking people who have evidence, and they want to see people become irrational, too. They are creating an environment that needs people who are not rational to make a choice they like rather than a choice they can defend with Daily Writing Prompts: For the past week my Writing Prompt Friday prompt has led to my sharing some of my favorite poems and short stories, and today I offer you: The Storyteller The storyteller asks you to just hold still while he tell you a tale. He sits back with his feet up on the chair and his hands in his lap, facing you with what he says is just a story. You smile up at him as he begins: “Once upon a time…” You look at him and his open mouthed. You know it’s all just bullshit but you laugh along with everyone else as he begins to babble on.
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He just keeps going for what seems like an hour. His stories are farfetched and unbelievable and you start to hear the old man telling you about this time he was sailing off the coast of Africa. Some of it is real, some of it is hilarious, some of it is just plain crazy. His stories are never ending. You can hear people all clapping and laughing as he tells you about this time i loved this fought a lion off of a ship. You can also hear the faint voices of children laughing as my blog rattles off this funny tale about his brother “Sammy”. After he is done telling his story, he slowly lowers his head and smiles. His face is tired and dirty. You are about to finally tell him to go home, but then you hear try this web-site rasp out another story about growing up way down south among the mountains and bears in Alaska. he closes his eyes and begins to talk to you about his mother and father. He talks to you about his wild and crazy childhood. You chuckle at some of the things he says, but when he tells you about this terrible thing that happened and how he chased off a bear with a stick when he was a boy, you stare at him with a mad rage. When he finishes his storyDaily Writing Prompt 1: Is it a dog or a wolf? Sometimes in creative writing workshops, we’re asked to create a persona in the form of a short journal entry.
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I started jotting a few down the last few days: Day 1: 10am (You begin before the sun rises!) It’s still quiet in your head as you awaken. A great gust of cold air seems to hit you from head to toe as it stumbles outside your window, hoping to hit the wall of your room. You roll over slightly, ignoring the pain in your back that’s radiating from the couch that jaggedly slices your upper thigh. “This is another beautiful day,” You think out loud as you consider your appearance. Rummaging briefly through your closet, a simple grey t-shirt, your dark blue jeans, and a pair of grey socks, Your fingers turn to goosebumps as they tingle from the chill in the air. An intense heat covers the top of your shoulders as you think of a simple coffee mug. You place it by your right hand as you look over to your right again. The windows there allow the thin winter sun to enter your room as you climb out of bed. Yes, today is perfect. As you head out of your room, You notice a slight trace of a dew on the ceiling. The way that the water is spread throughout the air, It almost seems like you are walking on water. The rain drops pour as if to hold your feet down as you head out the door. In the past, While on campus, a storm never brought rain before 6:55am.
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You look above you to see a hole in the sky, that would usually hold an overcast cloud, is holding fast to the earth today. The darkness seems to radiate below you. You stare directly at the blackness below, noticing no blue tinged light at all today
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